- 21Wilberforce
- ACAT-France
- Access Accountability
- Alberta Uyghur Association
- Alliance des Avocats pour les Droits de l’Homme
- Alliance for Vietnam’s Democracy
- American Alliance for Automotive Corporate Social Responsibility
- American Muslim Bar Association
- Amnesty International 国际特赦组织
- Arakan Rohingya National Organisation
- Asia Democracy Network
- Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
- Australian East Turkestan Association
- Australian Uyghur Association
- Australian Uyghur Tangritagh Women’s Association
- Austria Uyghur Association
- Bauhinias For Freedom
- Bay Area Friends of Tibet 湾区西藏之友
- Be Slavery Free
- Belgium Uyghur Association 比利时维吾尔协会
- Blue Crescent Humanitarian Aid Association
- Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
- Campaign for Uyghurs
- Canadian Coalition Against Communisms
- Carleton University
- China Against the Death Penalty
- China Aid
- China Change 改变中国
- Chinese Christian Fellowship of Righteousness 華人基督徒公義團契
- Chinese Human Rights Defenders 中国人权捍卫者
- Chulalongkorn University’s Student Union
- Church of Scientology National Affairs Office
- Coalition Burkinabè des Défenseurs des Droits Humains (CBDDH)
- Coalition des défenseurs des droits humains du Benin
- Comité de Apoyo al Tíbet – CAT
- Crane Center for Mass Atrocity Prevention
- CSW (Christian Solidarity Worldwide)
- DefendDefenders (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project)
- Dialogue China 对话中国
- Dutch Uyghur Human Rights Foundation
- East Turkestan Press and Media Association
- East Turkestan Union of Muslim Scholars
- East Turkistan Association in Finland
- East Turkistan Association of Canada
- East Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association 东突厥斯坦教育与团结协会
- East Turkistan Entrepreneur Tradesmen and Industrialists Businessmen Association
- East Turkistan Human Rights Watch
- East Turkistan New Generation Movement
- East Turkistan Nuzugum Culture and Family Association
- East Turkistan Sports and Development Association
- East Turkistan Union in Europe 欧州东突厥斯坦联盟
- Eastern Turkistan Foundation
- Engage Action
- European East Turkistan Education Association
- Family Research Council
- Fédération Euro-méditerranéenne contre les disparitions Forcées
- Federation for a Democratic China
- Finnish Uyghur Culture Center
- Frankfurt stands with Hongkong
- Fundacion Aguaclara
- GAYa NUSANTARA Foundation
- Global Alliance for Tibet & Persecuted Minorities
- Green Advocates International (Liberia)
- Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
- Hebrew Congregation of Somers
- Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
- Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung
- Hong Kong Committee in Norway 挪威香港文化協會
- Hong Kong Democracy Council (HKDC) 香港民主委員會
- Hong Kong Global Connect 港民國際連橫
- Human Asia
- Human Rights in China (HRIC)
- Human Rights Watch 人权观察
- Human Trafficking Search
- Humanitarian China
- Ilham Tohti Initiative
- Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council
- International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute
- International Campaign For Tibet
- International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC) 终止中国滥用器官移植国际联盟(ETAC)
- International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
- International Pen Uyghur Center
- International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)
- International Society for Human Rights, Chapter Munich
- International Support for Uyghurs
- International Tibet Network 国际西藏网络
- International Union of East Turkistan Organizations
- International Uyghur Human Right and Democracy Foundation
- IRPOO Siberia without torture
- Isa Yusup Alptekin Foundation
- Islamic Community Milli Gorus
- Islamic Information & Services Foundation Malaysia
- Japan Uyghur Association 日本维吾尔协会
- Jewish Movement for Uyghur Freedom
- Jewish World Watch
- 民間司法改革基金會(臺灣)
- Justice For All
- Justice for Uyghurs – Switzerland
- Lady Lawyer Foundation
- Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada
- Le Comité pour la Liberté à Hong-Kong
- Liberty and Democracy Advocacy Club University of Calgary
- Malaysia4Uyghur
- Mamatjan Nayup
- Minaret Foundation 宣礼塔/米纳热特基金会
- Minh Van Foundation
- Minority Rights Group International (MRG)
- Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies 蒙特利尔种族灭绝与人权研究所
- Mulmangcho
- National Committee of Democratic Party of China
- Netherlands for Hong Kong 荷兰支持香港组织
- No Business With Genocide
- Northern California Hong Kong Club 北加州香港會
- Norwegian Uyghur Committee 挪威维吾尔委员会
- Omer Uygur Foundation
- Peace Catalyst International
- People for Successful Corean Reunification (PSCORE)
- People’s Watch
- Philippine Human Rights Information Center (PhilRights)
- Planet Ally
- René Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights
- Safeguard Defenders 保护卫士
- Satuq Bugrakhan Foundation of Science and Civilization
- SAVE TIBET Austria
- Silk Road Peace Project
- Society for Threatened Peoples
- Society Union of Uyghur National Association
- Solidarité Chine, Paris
- Solidarity Sisters Network of Liberia (SoSNoL)
- Stepping Stones
- Stop Uyghur Genocide Australia
- Stop Uyghur Genocide Canada
- Sweden Uyghur Education Union 瑞典维吾尔教育联盟
- Swiss Tibetan Friendship Association 瑞士西藏友好协会
- Switzerland East Turkestan Association
- The Community Human Rights Promotion and Protection Association – ACPDH
- The International Women’s Alliance for Family Institution and Quality Education
- The Lesbian and Gay Association of Liberia (LEGAL)
- The Rights Practice
- Tibet Action Institute
- Tibet Justice Center
- Tibet Solidarity
- Tibet Support Group Ireland
- Tibetan Youth Association in Europe
- Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG)
- Uigur Society of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Umer Uyghur Trust
- Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam
- United Council of Vietnamese Homeland and Overseas
- United Macedonian Diaspora
- Uyghur Academy
- Uyghur Academy Australia
- Uyghur Academy Canada
- Uyghur Academy Europe
- Uyghur Academy Foundation
- Uyghur Academy Japan
- Uyghur Academy USA
- Uyghur American Association 美国维吾尔协会
- Uyghur Association of Victoria, Australia
- Uyghur Center for Human Rights and Democracy
- Uyghur Cultural and Education Union in Germany
- Uyghur Education Union
- Uyghur Human Rights Project 维吾尔人权项目
- Uyghur Mosque
- Uyghur Projects Foundation
- Uyghur Refugee Relief Fund
- Uyghur Research Institute
- Uyghur Right’s Advocacy Project
- Uyghur Science and Civilization Research Foundation
- Uyghur Support Group Netherlands
- Uyghur Transitional Justice Database 维吾尔过渡司法数据库
- Uyghur U.K. Association
- Uyghur Youth Union in Kazakhstan
- Uzbekistan Uyghur Culture Center
- Victoria Uyghur Association 维多利亚维吾尔人协会
- Viet Democratic Side’s International Forum
- Vietnam Helsinki Human Rights Committee
- Vietnam Human Rights Day – May 11 Organization
- Vietnam Human Rights Network
- Vietnamese Nationalist Party
- Visual Artists Guild 视觉艺术家协会
- Witness Radio – Uganda
- World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)
- World Uyghur Congress 世界维吾尔代表大会
- World Uyghur Congress Foundation 世界维吾尔代表大会基金会
- World Without Genocide
- Young leadership for social change network