

联系:美国维吾尔人协会;1+(202)478 1920

维吾尔人权项目(UHRP)即将发布一份其中文报告;边缘中的挣扎:中国政府正在摧毁维吾尔人社区。 该报告英文版发布于2012年的4月,报告记录了中国政府有目的的、高度政治化的,特别是在2009年该地区骚乱之后,自上而下强力实施摧毁包括喀什噶尔 在内、整个东突厥斯坦维吾尔社区之暴行。边缘中的挣扎:中国政府正在摧毁维吾尔人社区 揭示了摧毁维吾尔人社区不仅使维吾尔人失去了房屋、店铺和宗教祈祷场所;而且也失去了传统维吾尔生活方式;在被迫迁如的密布摄像头的中国式建筑公寓,传统 维吾尔生活方式是永远无法再复制的。

报 告一点也不低估为维吾尔人提供现代基础设施的重要性。然而,报告尖锐指出中国政府未和维吾尔人就如何改造他们社区进行任何有意义对话、征求意见的不作为。 报告详细罗列包括中国政府也必需遵守的有关保障居民不被强制拆迁,以及包括维吾尔人在内原住民所享有安自己意愿发展(社区)的国际法、国内法法则、法规。

被 中国领导人称之为‘发展’的、在东突厥斯坦开展的,拆毁维吾尔人社区、家园,以东部中国式建筑替代的运动;是和将维吾尔人使用自己语言、实践自己信仰、以 及以文学、艺术、媒体形式反映自己权利剥夺的同化政策并行实施的。对维吾尔人独特文化的政府打压、反映中国政府企图斩断维吾尔人和传统之目的。中国领导人 继续的、企图将维吾尔人在物质生活和社会结构中融入汉人社会的做法,来自于就如何发展维吾尔社区征求维吾尔人意向的缺失。未经征求维吾尔人意向的拆迁再安 居,使得政府所谓的‘安居富民’政策被怀疑。


  • 直到建立起和当地居民有效、透明的真诚协商机制为止,立即停止在东突厥斯坦对维吾尔人社区的一切拆迁;
  • 表 决通过《公民权利和政治权利公约》(ICCPR);遵守该公约17条之规定:”禁止任何人任意或非法干涉他人房屋”;第25条之规定,该条保障居民直接或 通过自由选举代表参与公共事务之权利;以及第27条,该条强制规定了原住民的有效(UHRP加重号)参与权和保障原住民经济可持续发展;
  • 履行签署通过的《世界遗产公约》之规定,立即停止假借《联合国教科文卫》名义在喀什噶尔实施的拆迁;
  • 在和中华人民共和国举行的人权对话中,指出中国借经济发展为名实施拆迁之严重践踏人权行为,指出尊重人权和发展经济是并行不悖的;
  • 谴责假借《联合国教科文卫》名义摧毁喀什噶尔老城之行为,要求中国媒体以可以评估其真假的公开性、报道拆迁实事。且;
  • 派遣观察员前往东突厥斯坦,在不受干扰的情况下接触维吾尔社区,公正监督拆迁过程中、国际、国内法的保障实施、履行情况。
  • 维吾尔人权项目(UHRP)希望报告及其建议能够成为有关国家及有关国际组织的有效信息来源。



The Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) issues a Chinese-language version of its report on the demolitions of Uyghur neighborhoods, Living on the Margins: The Chinese State’s Demolition of Uyghur Communities

For immediate release
November 09, 2012
Contact: Uyghur American Association +1 (202) 478 1920

The Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) is releasing a Chinese language version of its report Living on the Margins: The Chinese State’s Demolition of Uyghur Communities. The report, published in English in April 2012, documents the Chinese state’s top-down destruction of Uyghur communities in Kashgar and throughout East Turkestan, in a targeted and highly politicized push that Chinese officials have accelerated in the wake of turbulent unrest in the region in 2009. Living on the Margins: The Chinese State’s Demolition of Uyghur Communities reveals how the destruction of Uyghur neighborhoods has resulted in the loss of both physical structures, including Uyghur homes, shops and religious sites, and patterns of traditional Uyghur life that cannot be replicated in the new, heavily-monitored Chinese-style apartment blocks where many have been forcibly relocated.

This report does not discount the importance of providing modern structural amenities to Uyghurs. However, it asserts a failure on the part of Chinese authorities to engage in meaningful consultation with Uyghurs regarding how they wish to transform their own communities. The report details the international and domestic legal instruments to which the Chinese government is bound that are designed to protect residents from forcible eviction from their homes and ensure that indigenous populations, such as the Uyghurs, have the right to develop according to their own principles.

The campaigns underway to tear down Uyghur neighborhoods in East Turkestan and replace them with spaces resonant of eastern China, which Chinese leaders have labeled as development, have been implemented by Chinese officials alongside assimilative programs that remove Uyghurs’ rights to speak and use their own language, practice their own religious beliefs, and express themselves through art, literature and the media. State repression of these aspects of Uyghurs’ unique culture epitomize Chinese officials’ attempts to weaken Uyghurs’ connections with their traditional customs. Chinese leaders’ success at assimilating Uyghurs into a Han Chinese physical and social structure has come from a lack of consultation with Uyghurs themselves as to how they would like development to proceed. Without the consent of Uyghurs to demolition and resettlement projects, the legitimacy of stated aims to create “peace and prosperity” through the projects is called into question.

Based on the findings of this report, UHRP provides a number of recommendations for the Chinese government, concerned governments, and multilateral institutions. These include recommendations to:

  • Cease immediately all demolitions of Uyghur neighborhoods across East Turkestan until a transparent process of genuine consultation has been undertaken with residents;

  • Ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and abide by Article 17, which “protect[s] against ‘arbitrary or unlawful interference’ with one’s home”; Article 25, which protects the right to participation in public life either “directly or through freely chosen representatives; and Article 27, which mandates effective [UHRP italics] participation by indigenous people and the sustainability of the indigenous economy”;

  • Meet signed and ratified obligations contained in the World Heritage Convention and end false assertions of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) support for the demolition project in Kashgar;

  • Raise the demolitions at bilateral human rights dialogues with the People’s Republic of China in such a way that does not devalue egregious human rights abuses in the face of ‘economic realities’, making clear that respect for human rights and robust economies are part of the same process;

  • Condemn the use of UNESCO’s name to approve the demolition of Kashgar Old City and demand open reporting by Chinese media of the demolitions that permits a considered evaluation of its merit; and

  • Send observers to East Turkestan with unfettered access to Uyghur communities to impartially oversee that all international and domestic legal protections have been utilized in demolition projects across the region.

UHRP hopes the report and its recommendations will serve as an informative and useful resource to concerned governments and institutions.

The report, Living on the Margins: The Chinese State’s Demolition of Uyghur Communities, can be downloaded at:





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