
European Commission 2022

致:經濟專員 保羅.簡提洛尼

2022 年 11 月 16 日




通過這封聯合公開信,以下簽署的組織們希望敦促您確保即將進行的改革將使公民社會組織(Civil Society Organisations, CSOs)、工會、學術界、媒體界和公司企業等非國家行為體能夠獲取目前被會員國視為機密的海關貿易資訊。


比起以往,現在有更多的公司共享有關其供應鏈的資訊。儘管如此,公開披露供應商和企業客戶等業務關係詳細資訊的公司數量仍然非常有限。對於美國或印度等經濟大國,公司間貿易往來的海關資訊是容易獲取的,但總體而言,這僅適用於全球四分之一的國家。1SOMO, 根據「环球慧思Globalwits」貿易資訊系統,https://g4.globalwits.cn在世界上最大的貿易圈中,歐盟的成員國海關當局仍然拒絕非國家行為體獲取公司的特定資訊,只因根據成員國法律、慣例或《歐盟海關法典》(Union Customs Code, UCC)第 12 條,這些資訊被視為機密。

在關於歐盟海關法規改革的公眾諮詢中,2https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13316-Revision-of-the-Union-Custom s-Code/public-consultation_en歐盟執委會詢問海關規則和流程是否有助於打擊國際供應鏈中的強迫勞動、童工和惡劣勞動環境,以及確保供應鏈的盡職調查並向國際推廣歐盟價值。權限開放的海關資訊在解決中國新疆維吾爾自治區的維吾爾強迫勞動悲慘狀況中發揮了良好的作用,也很好地說明了海關資訊如何有助於解決人權侵犯情況。部分藉由這些海關數據,研究人員和公民社會組織能夠提供證據證明來自該地區的貿易流之重要性,3Laura T. Murphy, et al. (2021). “Laundering Cotton: How Xinjiang Cotton is Obscured in International Supply Chains.” Sheffield, United Kingdom: Sheffield Hallam University Helena Kennedy Centre. https://www.shu.ac.uk/helena-kennedy-centre-international-justice/research-and-projects/all-projects/launder ed-cotton告知牽涉在服裝、能源和食品行業的公司它們可能處在強迫勞動的共犯結構中,4https://enduyghurforcedlabour.org/call-to-action/以及向負責執行相關監管要求的主管當局提供支持,特別是在美國。

這就是為什麼我們敦促您在改革中納入必備的要求,以允許非國家行為體訪問海關當局持有的詳細貿易資訊。公民社會5See Finnwatch, “Transparency now: legal briefing on the disclosure of EU customs data”, 2017 https://finnwatch.org/images/pdf/FW_Transparency_of_customs_data_legal_briefing.pdf; “Joint letter to MEPS concerning EU customs regulations”, April 2018; https://cleanclothes.org/file-repository/joint_letter_to_meps_concerning_eu_customs_regulations.pdf/view Anti-Slavery International and European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights’ “position on import controls to address forced labour in supply chains”, June 2021; https://www.antislavery.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Anti-Slavery-International-ECCHR-Import-Controls-P osition-Paper-1.pdf正在為此懇求且歐洲議會在 2017 年通過議會決議加入了這一行動倡議。6European Parliament resolution of 12 September 2017 on the impact of international trade and the EU’s trade policies on global value chains (2016/2301(INI)) https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/afeb5d94-bcaa-11e8-99ee-01aa75ed71a1美國和許多其他國家的例子表明,自海關等級的貿易資訊是可以被提供的,且能與競爭和隱私考量兼容。歐盟海關法規的改革現在正為執委會提供了歷史性的大好機會來實現這一目標。





  1. AidEnvironment
  2. Anti-Slavery International
  3. Australian Uyghur Tangritagh Women’s Association
  4. Arise
  5. Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany
  6. Bruno Manser Fonds
  7. 維吾爾運動(Campaign for Uyghurs)
  8. Changemaker Finland
  9. Clean Clothes Campaign
  10. CorA network for corporate accountability
  11. Corporate Accountability Lab
  12. Earthqualizer Foundation
  13. Dalit Solidarity Network in Finland
  14. ECOS – Environmental Coalition on Standards
  15. European Coalition for Corporate Justice
  16. European Trade Union Confederation
  17. EU-LAT Network
  18. Fair Trade Advocacy Office
  19. Fairfood
  20. FEMNET
  21. Finnish Development NGOs Fingo
  22. Finnwatch
  23. Freedom Collaborative
  24. Freedom Fund
  25. Fundación Alboan
  26. Global Labor Justice-International Labor Rights Forum
  27. Global Legal Action Network
  28. Global Witness
  29. 人權觀察(Human Rights Watch)
  30. Human Trafficking Legal Center
  31. INKOTA network
  32. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
  33. 國際人權服務社(International Service for Human Rights)
  34. International Peace Information Service
  35. Jewish Movement for Uyghur Freedom
  36. 猶太世界觀察(Jewish World Watch)
  37. KIOS Foundation
  38. La Strada International
  39. PowerShift
  40. Profundo
  41. Programa Laboral de Desarollo
  42. Pro Ethical Trade Finland
  43. Public Eye
  44. Rainforest Alliance
  45. Rainforest Foundation Norway
  46. René Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights
  47. SOMO
  48. Stichting Terre des Hommes
  49. Stop Uyghur Genocide
  50. SÜDWIND-Institut
  51. Transparency International Finland
  52. 美國維吾爾人協會(Uyghur American Association)
  53. 維吾爾維權倡議項目(Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project)
  54. 維吾爾人權項目(Uyghur Human Rights Project)
  55. Vredesactie
  56. 世界維吾爾代表大會(World Uyghur Congress)



Executive Vice-President European Green Deal Frans Timmermans;

Executive Vice-President A Europe Fit for the Digital Age Margrethe Vestager; Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton;

Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders;

Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius; Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis;

Member of the European Parliament Anna Cavazzini, chair of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO);

Member of the European Parliament Monika Hohlmeier, chair of the Committee on Budgetary Control;

Member of the European Parliament Bernd Lange, chair of the Committee on International Trade; Member of the European Parliament Maria Arena, chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights; Member of the European Parliament Adrián Vázquez Lázara, chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs; Director General Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) Gerassimos Thomas.




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